Arrhythmia Library

  • LA Sinus Rhythm

    Sinus activates left atrium at septum and proceeds anteriorly with delay along base of appendage and mid-septum. Delayed conduction over roof fuses posteriorly with septal activation.

    Right Atrial Flutter

    Typical, counterclockwise rotation around tricuspid valve and Right atrial appendage with delayed conduction at crista terminalis, cavotricuspid isthmus, and mid-septum.

  • Atrial Tachycardia

    Eight successive beats of Atrial Tachycardia shown with delayed activation around mid-anterior wall.

    Atrial Activation

    Four seconds shown with reentrant and focal activation along with conduction slowing and turning on posterior wall. Both anterior and posterior areas modify as conduction changes direction and rotation.

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